Sunday, November 2, 2008

Anya's Arrival

October 12, 40 weeks plus!
Anya Michelle Reimer arrived on October 20 at 10:37 pm at the University Hospital in Tampere Finland.

Anya weighed 4080 grams! = 8lbs, 15 oz. Length 51.5 cm = 20.5 in

Home from the hospital!

Grandma Debbie visited from October 11-26

Anya modeling blue velour outfit that her mommy once wore too!

Anya's first Halloween

White Rabbit!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pregnancy photos

February 14 (~7 weeks)
On vacation in Italy. We had known for about 2 weeks that we were pregnant.

Ultrasound April 8
(~14 weeks) Confirmed due date of October 7.

May 13 (~19 weeks)

Ultrasound May 19 (~20 weeks)

June 21 (~25 weeks)

July 26 (~30 weeks and counting down!)